Champagne Moment: We Won The Red Dot Award (That’s a Big Deal)

In case it’s rude to start a blog post in capitals we will first say hello Hēdoïnes, what glorious weather we’ve been having in London (not)...and also, WE WON A RED DOT AWARD! See how we celebrate >

The “Red Dot: Best of the Best” is awarded for ground-breaking designs and our collection of Ladder-Resistant Tights were the Gold Medalists - including The Nude, The Edgy and The Bold collections.

Here’s why this is a big, big deal.

  • Firstly, it’s a dream come true moment for our start-up - Hēdoïne’s glamorous tech-nerd co-founder Anna has followed this award for a very long time for both it’s prestige and it’s recognition of groundbreaking businesses.
  • It's design and innovation focused so all sass aside, we are so proud to be recognised for the huge amount of work we put into research, technology and testing that ensured we were able to set a new standard for tights.
  • It’s been officially recognised that we have addressed the many technical tights issues that tights lovers have long feared! We’re talking no more sag (because that was a drag) a seam-free and gusset-free design, a shaping waistband that actually stays up, and doesn’t show through your clothing and of course durability - a world first collection of 20 denier ladder-resistant tights.
  • Lastly, and with a second glass of champagne being poured, it was an incredibly competitive year for this award, everyone has been hustling and we’re so proud to have stood out and made a mark. Here’s a bit more on that from the awards CEO, Professor Dr. Peter Zec.

“Never before in the more than 60-year history of our design competition have so many companies and design studios faced the professional judgment of our international jury as this year. Products from around 60 countries reached us, and their design quality and degree of innovation were evaluated in a process lasting several days.“

Our core mission has always been to set a new standard for tights. To completely modernise the hosiery industry and make tights not only more fashionable, but also more functional - and more sustainable. As you can imagine, revolutionising an industry takes everyday effort from the entire Hēdoïne team and so while receiving recognition definitely feels incredible, we’re certainly not done yet. There’s a lot more innovation in the making, getting ready for the wearing - watch this space!

In light of the announcement, there’s a lot of this energy going on right now…

...but we promise not to let the glory go to our heads, that’s what the second champagne is for ;)


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